
May 27, 2020

Analysis of the Causes of Drill Rod Breakage During the Use of Long Spiral Drill Rods

Reasons for the breakage of long spiral drill rods:

1. Using drill rods for large-diameter geological exploration or hydrogeological exploration as the large-diameter drilling piles for bridges. Their strength and rigidity are too low, making them easily breakable.

2. The selected rotational speed during drilling is inappropriate, leading to the drill rod twisting, bending, and breaking.

3. The drill rod has been used for a long time, and there is operational wear or excessive wear at the joints.

4.  The layers are too hard, and drilling progresses too quickly, which is caused by overloading.

Prevention and treatment methods:

1. When selecting the drill rod diameter and wall thickness, calculations should be made according to the specifications.

2. Do not use drill rods that are excessively bent. The threads at the connection should be intact, and the drill rod joints connected to the drill sleeve should have a sturdy locking device to prevent reverse loosening.

3. For hard and complex strata, control the drilling and operate carefully.

4. Frequently check the wear of various parts of the drilling equipment and replace damaged parts promptly.

5. If the drill rod is damaged, the fallen drill rod can be retrieved using the above-mentioned fishing methods. Check the cause and replace it with a new or larger drill rod to continue drilling.

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