With winter approaching and the increased occurrence of rain and snow, special attention must be paid to safety during highway construction. The setting of maintenance safety facilities is to protect the safety of maintenance personnel and equipment. Do you know what to pay attention to when operating a pile driver? Let's spread some knowledge.
Given that pile drivers typically operate in harsh environments, which can easily lead to malfunctions, it is necessary to carry out regular and periodic maintenance and care to eliminate hidden troubles and shorten the repair cycle.
Change the gear oil after about 10 hours, then replace the gear oil every 100 hours. If the weather is hot, it may be necessary to change the gear oil every 90 hours; if the weather is cold, the interval can be extended to every 130 hours.
The first 100 hours of operation of the pile driver is considered a break-in period, during which the machine should be used with care and not overloaded. The quality of use during the break-in period greatly affects the machine's lifespan. After working for 50 hours, check that the cleanliness level of the hydraulic oil is not lower than 18/15. Also, check and clean the oil inlet and return filters, then clean or replace them every 200 hours. During inspection, pay attention to whether the rubber or asbestos gaskets are damaged, and replace them if necessary. When working at temperatures below -40°C, try to preheat the seals before starting.
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